Harper Gerlach has established a close working relationship with lawyers in Jacksonville and North Florida that specialize in handling the following types of matters:
Adoptions Appeals Bankruptcy Business/Franchising Collection Commercial Litigation Construction Litigation Copyright & Trademark Corporate Criminal Defense Eminent Domain Education Elder Law Estate Planning/Wills & Trusts Family/ Divorce/ Marital Property Healthcare Immigration Insurance Disputes Judicial Ethics Land Use & Zoning |
Medicaid Planning Medical Malpractice Plaintiff Mergers & Acquisitions Nursing Home Patents Personal Injury/ Products Liability Plaintiff Personal Injury/ Products Liability Defense Probate & Guardianship Public Charities and Private Foundations Real Estate Disputes & Litigation Real Estate Transactional Securities Litigation Securities Transactional Social Security Sports Law Tax (Controversy & Transactional) Technology Law Workers’ Compensation/ Employee Workers’ Compensation/ Employer |
Gregg Gerlach and Tom Harper can help you find the lawyer you need to handle your problem in today’s complex and specialized legal environment. Contact either Tom or Gregg for a referral to a lawyer we have worked with, know and trust.